Smart-Start-60: Guaranteed Site Start-up Within 60 Days
- BRANY understands the importance of high quality, human subject research, and offers customized services to expedite the initiation of trials at any of our affiliate sites.
- The 60-day program includes: budget development, contract negotiations, completion of regulatory documents (including ICF modifications), and IRB submission and review.
- All of this, plus the convenience of a single-point of contact for rapid response and focused client support.
- According to Kimberly Irvine, Executive Vice President, Operations for BRANY: “Smart-Start-60 is an essential tool for sponsors and CROs to keep trials on schedule. Every day a study does not get up and running, is another day of missed milestones with significant budget impact.”
- On the occasion of the launch of Smart-Start-60, BRANY is offering new and returning clients an introductory rate.