SCRS Membership

Joining SCRS means more than simply becoming a member of an organization of companies with similar interests. SCRS is the first organization fully dedicated to representing the interest of the clinical research site community. SCRS gives sites a voice, a seat at the table, and the ability to participate in discussions and decisions that ultimately impact the clinical research sites and the industry at large. Joining the SCRS community helps give the clinical research site a stronger, more credible voice and shared purpose.

Companies that sponsor or support the work conducted at the clinical research sites will benefit from membership as well. Their membership demonstrates a commitment to building a stronger site partnership, recognizing the importance of the site’s voice, and providing their company with intellectual capital to best position their companies for success.

SCRS Webinar Series

The SCRS Webinar Series provides the information your research site or organization needs to succeed and thrive. Gain important takeaways for both your business and your clinical research team each month!

Your team can subscribe now from two valuable, monthly Webinar Series categories: GBP (Good Business Practices) and GCP (Good Clinical Practices). Registration fees are the same for individual or entire team participation!

Subscribers will have access to the live events and will receive a recording of the webinars and a certificate of completion after each session. Visit the exciting menu of upcoming GBP and GCP webinar topics, and explore the new Hidden Costs of Conducting Research Series. Don’t forget to browse the archive of recordings!