Our industry-leading eRegulatory system, RealTime-eDOCS, is streamlining the way sites, sponsors and CROs manage regulatory documents electronically. Sites are now easily managing all of their study records while maintaining inspection readiness during the entire process.
IntegReview IRB Newsletter – March 2016
Check out our latest news!
Happy Spring!
Protocol Calendars
Ensure quality and compliance with pre-built calendars
Rather than having each site duplicate the effort of building a protocol calendar from scratch, Nimblify centrally builds a protocol calendar once so that all sites on a protocol can use it. Released through integration with the site CTMS, the calendar downloads immediately and generates subject-specific schedules to identify deviations and out-of-window study visits to ensure each patient gets his or her planned care and procedures.
Site Benchmarks
Learn how your performance stacks up against peers
Nimblify Site Benchmarks is a free, award-winning tool for research sites to compare their performance to other sites. The tool provides unique dashboards that help identify trends and monitor changes over time to ultimately drive process improvements and turn insight into action. Site Benchmarks uses a standardized set of site-driven metrics and provides visual snapshots of performance that can easily be shared with sponsors.